Saturday, January 29, 2011

"I come to you in pieces So you can make me whole"

I'm starting to become an old lady. For the last week I've been exhausted by 1 am rolls around. That is soooo not me! I'm seriously exhausted right now and it's not even midnight!

So today I officially started my new job today! Since I'm working back there now I have to know stuff about the surrounding departments. Yep that's right. Did I mention that's 3 all together? This is gonna be interesting that's for sure! I have to open on Wednesday, and I still have no idea what all to do. It's gonna be a long day that's for sure!

I've been torturing myself lately. It's my dream to travel to Italy. I love the language, and the food. The food! Oh my! I should have been Italian. I recently watched Eat Love Pray and I would love to just be able to take off for a year and travel. I need to seriously get my shit together so I can do this!

The problem? I have absolutely no idea what I want to go to school for. I love to cook, but sadly there is no school around here with a culinary arts program. The closest school is over an hour away and I can't afford to drive there and my car aka the beast wouldn't make it. So unless I win the lottery I don't see it happening. Which sucks! :(

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

dj turn it up....

here's a short post!

i start training at my new job tomorrow. It's at the same place just a different department. I'm starting to get super nervous! I'll be so glad when tomorrow gets here. Somehow I don't think I'll be getting much sleep tonight. :-/ It's bad enough I've been living with this constant headache!

My mom had surgery on Monday and that meant absolutely no sleep for me! Thankfully everything went ok with the surgery. I literally got maybe 4 hours of sleep if I was lucky. I went to sleep around midnight last night and slept till around 12:30 this afternoon. I think I got caught up on my sleep ;)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

yes i would die for you baby, but you won't do the same..

New blog! w00t!

I'm totally loving this song right now...

There's this girl at work who is a complete and utter bitch. I'm not kidding. She doesn't do anything except for stand around and lean on the counter at work. I think you get the idea. :) Anyways, I was working by her today and I kept on getting this feeling someone was looking at me. Guess who! Emo-Lazy Girl! It was freaking me out bad. It gets better! I stay in the backroom for lunch and guess who is on lunch the same time as guessed right again! Of course she sits in the booth right by me so she's looking at me. So what do I do? No, I don't confront her, I stick my nose in my awesome new book The Pact By Jodi Picoult which by the way is the bees knees! I don't like confrontation whatsoever especially at work. I seriously need to work on it. That's besides the point lol.

I've been thinking about changing my memorial tattoo. Just the words, but I found the perfect one. It's totally different but it's totally perfect. Here's the picture:
The words are perfect, I love the font and it's already the right color. I just need to change the dates. I just need to figure out if it's still gonna go on my ankle of not. Hmmm...decisions decisions...

Friday, January 21, 2011

whoa! what? a new blog already? yep you bet! ;) a little update on the day...

i thought i was gonna die at work today. my legs are still sooo sore! i'm walking around like a little old lady! it would probably be better if i was like this:

so in a week and a half i'm going to get my first tattoo. to be honest i'm scared shitless. here's a picture of it. i drew it myself with some help of tracing :)

b's also getting a tattoo so i won't be so nervous but i wanna do mine first so i don't get severely freaked out. the orange cancer awareness ribbon is for his cancer which was kidney. the dates are the year he was born and the year he died, and i wanted to get some stars done so i added those in. i'm debating on the in loving memory dad tho. i was thinking of some other words but i'm not quite sure. i also want a different font than that. i hate my handwriting! i'll have to ask my tattoo lovin peeps. get some ideas going :)

i'm gonna try to blog a few times a week so i can get motivated so keep an eye out for this gal!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

no. really i'm fine!

i've come back from the dead! after much persistence from stacey. i really need to get more dedicated to this. seriously. a little update: we no longer have psycho kitty aka Gabbana. she turned totally psycho after we got back from south carolina so she's off to another home to tear up :) i got a new job in a different department at my current job. i start in a week or so..totally pumped for a different set of pace! =D we (the roommate and i) just moved also. i'll get into that down below...

a few words of advice..when you live upstairs in an apartment NEVER and i repeat NEVER move by yourself with no help from strong boys. it was a total disaster! we just moved to the apartment directly below us but it was completely horrendous! we started around 1 yesterday afternoon and didn't get everything done till almost midnight! the big furniture was the worst. one person had to lift it over the banister and the other person had to stand at the bottom of the stairs try not to get killed bringing it down. the boxes weren't bad cuz i went up a couple steps and grabbed them when b lowered them down.

soo a incident happened ironically to me yesterday. b dropped down 2 plastic tote tops down the stairs and didn't see me and one of the hit me in the face and i got a fat lip. trust me i didn't let her forget it yesteday at all ;)

next time we move we're getting some strong boys to help. haha.